The Pod Bay Doors Podcast, Episode #86: Do the Right Thing (1989)
This episode, Doug and Jerry pay tribute to Black History Month by honoring one of the great films of a great director, Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, now celebrating it’s 30th anniversary. Turn on your box fan and your boom box, doctor, it’s going to be a scorcher!
#podbaydoorspodcast #SpikeLee #DotheRightThing #1989 #FightthePower #PublicEnemy #spikelee #blackkklansman #dotherightthing #Film #Movie #cinema #films #movies #cinemas #PaulBenjamin #Robin Harris #BillNunn #JohnTurturo #DannyAiello #GiancarloEsposito #RubyDee #OssieDavis #JohnSavage #RichardEdson #RosiePerez #DrivingMissDaisy #oscars #cinema #movies #love #film #movie #brooklyn #johndavidwashington #spikeleejoint #adamdriver #saturday #sunday #moncler #hollywood #racism