Archive for April, 1982

Partners (1982)

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Partners (1982)

What was the thinking here?  Partners is a silly buddy comedy about a series of murders in the gay community.  How is that funny in a social climate in which gays are, and have been, murdered in a homophobic rage?  Here just two years out from the murder of San Francisco’s first gay city supervisor […]

| April 30, 1982
If You Could See What I Hear (1982)

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If You Could See What I Hear (1982)

I learn second-hand that the movie If You Could See What I Hear is based on a real person, Tom Sullivan, who is blind and who turned his experiences into a novel (unread by me).  Having seen the movie, I’m not sure I want to meet Sullivan who is portrayed here as a jerk, a […]

| April 23, 1982
The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982)

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The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982)

They say that in showbusiness timing is everything, and timing may have been the enemy of The Sword and the Sorcerer, a medieval epic that has the misfortune to land while our brains are still fresh from Clash of the Titans and Dragonslayer and with Conan the Barbarian right on its heels.  This movie seems […]

| April 23, 1982