Archive for August, 1978

Interiors (1978)

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Interiors (1978)

No one ever accused Woody Allen of doing anything halfway, and that couldn’t have been more evident than in his desire to move from making slapstick farce into more serious territory. His transition came in 1977 with Annie Hall, a comic love story that wasn’t slapstick but far more sophisticated and got him more respect […]

| August 29, 1978
A Dream of Passion (1978)

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A Dream of Passion (1978)

The idea of retrofitting the Greek tragedy of Medea – the ancient story of a woman who murdered her children as punishment for her husband’s infidelity – into modern times requires, needless to say, kid gloves.  Without a steady hand, the refurbishment of this story comes off as either shamefully manipulative or painfully exploitive.  Jules […]

| August 10, 1978
Piranha (1978)

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Piranha (1978)

I blame Steven Spielberg. No, seriously, I blame the most successful filmmaker in history for Piranha, a movie to which he had zero input because without Jaws this may never have happened.  Am I being reactionary?  Well, yes.  I mean, I just sat through a movie called Piranha.  You’d toss blame around too.  Maybe I’ll […]

| August 3, 1978