Tag: one-and-a-half

Lights Out (2016)
Is it odd to suggest that a movie that only runs 81 minutes might need trimming? That thought occurred to me all through Lights Out a nugatory little horror outing that has a clever premise but is padded out with loads of uninteresting characters and family drama that, truth be told, only gets in the […]

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
I don’t know what I really expected from a guy named Apocalypse, but I can tell you that my imagination built up a much more imposing character than what his movie was able to deliver. I mean, he’s alright as villains go. In his early scenes, he’s got the presence and the demeanor and the […]

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is 500 pounds of movie heaped on a 10 pound story. This is a clunky, misguided, unhappy and ultimately exhausting experience that runs on for 2 hours and 33 minutes wherein it repeats it’s themes over and over and over with overcooked imagery that must have cost a million […]

Legend (2015)
For a movie centering on the Kray brothers, Brian Helgeland’s Legend is a menial and virtually bloodless snore. If the know that story of the brothers then you know that this is a colossal miscalculation. A story about The Kray Brothers absent of excessive ultra violence is like a Superman movie that doesn’t allow him […]

Paper Towns (2015)
Paper Towns might be a fantastic romantic adventure if you happen to suffer from short term memory loss, that way you wouldn’t find yourself concentrating on nagging plotholes. It is is supposed to be deep and poetic, but you find yourself frustrated by nagging questions of simple logic. This is one of those movies where […]

Poltergeist (2015)
It is very likely that the remake of Poltergeist may be impossible to enjoy on any level. If, like me, you’re a connoisseur of the original and look on it with fond memories, this retread will come off as a soulless carbon copy. If you’ve never seen Steven Spielberg’s film, then this will come off […]

The Interview (2014)
It wasn’t worth it. After all the news, the threats, the controversy, the hacks, the delays, the most talked about film of the 2014 turns out to be nothing more than a weak, third-rate man-child comedy that isn’t funny enough to fill a three minute sketch on Saturday Night Live. To think of what could […]

Taken 3 (2014)
There is virtually nothing that lingers in your mind when Taken 3 is over, except for the fact that Forest Whitaker’s character learns to love bagels. It’s true, early in this movie as he’s investigating a murder he opens a bag of warm bagels that has been left at the scene. Then he proceeds to […]