Tag: ****

Room (2015)
The first sounds we hear are breathing. Then a voice whispers “Go back to sleep.” Barely a light reaches the interior of the room and we see expressionist images that are startling; scratches on a wall, a dirty sink, a metal door, eggshells, linoleum, a tiny television set. These things are contained in a space […]

Inside Out (2015)
It is such a joy to report that Pixar is back in form. After a few years of weak soup, it’s so nice to see them back on the track that made us fall in love with their confections in the first place. In the animation game, Pixar was always been the better factory, churning […]

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
What a grand, insane work of vision is Mad Max: Fury Road. What a bold and visionary exercise has George Miller created. In a world of action movies that are mostly thin soup, this is what you wish for from all of your action movies: something created out of sheer ingenuity and imagination, a movie […]

Ex Machina (2015)
It is lamentably true that the age of brainy science fiction is long behind us. What was once a genre that looked at ideas and questioned the nature of human identity has been diluted into a genre that is almost exclusively nestled in the comforts of action and candy-coated visual effects. What’s left of science […]

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
Being an actor must be one of the most psychologically tasking professions that man has yet created. You’re asked to move from skin to skin, from soul to soul, from psychology to psychology, from paying gig to paying gig, and also to traverse the minefield of box office success. If you’re successful, you’re asked to […]

The Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
It may someday come to pass that when I get around to making a list of the best action movies I’ve ever seen, The Kingsman: The Secret Service may find itself right there in the midst of other greats like Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Speed, Aliens and The Terminator. After the blight […]

Video Review: Selma (2014)
Due to the fact that my camera battery only lasts 10 to 15 minutes, this video is in three parts. My apologies.

The Imitation Game (2014)
Benedict Cumberbatch has made his niche as that actor that you like, yet never quite warm up to. There’s a standoffish quality about his screen presence that pushes you away and, although you’re not turned off, you watch him with great curiosity. For a good while during The Imitation Game, I watched him doing the […]