
Insidious Chapter 3 (2015)
There are a lot of baffling things about Insidious Chapter 3, and it would be fair to say that they begin with the movie’s title. This is the second-sequel to the 2011 cult hit, but it’s a prequel – meaning that it’s not technically Chapter 3, so wouldn’t it be Chapter Zero? Or Chapter 0.1? […]

Poltergeist (2015)
It is very likely that the remake of Poltergeist may be impossible to enjoy on any level. If, like me, you’re a connoisseur of the original and look on it with fond memories, this retread will come off as a soulless carbon copy. If you’ve never seen Steven Spielberg’s film, then this will come off […]

Maggie (2015)
It is possible that Maggie may be the best misfire of the year. It’s a thriller that doesn’t ultimately work, but you almost feel the need to applaud the effort. Odd to say, but that’s kind of refreshing. In a year that is offering us a vast minefield of movies in which no one even […]

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
No one would really blame you if you approached Avengers: Age of Ultron with a bit of weariness. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now in its seventh year, and each release is a massive tentpole event, the size of which is usually reserved for The Super Bowl or The World Series. Yet, if you’re the […]

Unfriended (2015)
Oh lord . . . how long till Avengers? Unfriended is unwatchable, a product of towering dullness wrapped in a gimmick that doesn’t work, packed with people you wouldn’t want to spend five minutes with. It’s a colossal miscalculation of character and tension built on a flimsy idea and padded out by technological glitches that […]

The Longest Ride (2015)
Nicholas Sparks is the perennial schlock-meister of romantic goo-goo eyes. He has made a cottage industry of creating a romantically-tinged alternate universe in which the ups and downs of romance are beaten back by reading old love letters and restoring a house. His stories are worry-free fantasies designed for those who run screaming from anything […]

Furious Seven (2015)
It would only be in a perfect world that terrorism could be dealt with by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and a Gatling gun. That ISIS problem? Finished! Furious Seven is as joyfully and gloriously bombastic as that image. When you’re dealing with a sixth sequel it’s nice to report that the energy hasn’t gone out, […]

It Follows (2015)
In horror movies, it stinks to be young. Our minds and our bodies are beginning to get adjusted to so many scary and then you have to deal with some fool with a butcher knife or a ghost with a 200 year-old axe to grind. It’s hard to grow up, but it’s even harder when […]