Tag: streaming

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Lord knows I’ve seen enough gut-bucket slasher movies to know that the promise of “The Final Chapter” is only a piecrust promise, easily made and then easily broken. It’s about as reliable as “You can trust us” or “No new taxes.” But as gimmicks go, it is a clever one. You get audiences in the […]

The Stone Boy
I have been to funerals that bring out bottled up emotions and old family grudges much like the ones in The Stone Boy. Tragedy somehow brings those feelings to the surface and the time comes, ready or not, to release them on those to whom we have coveted blame. What is unique in the Hillerman […]

The Lord of the Rings (1978)
I arrive at Ralph Bakshi’s The Lord of the Rings with a great many mixed feelings. This is a film of so much style, so much imagination, so much ambition, yet I find myself trapped by the unavoidable conclusion that this movie is flawed beyond the point of no return. Its animation style wavers back […]

Magic (1978)
There must have been, I can imagine, a great temptation to turn a movie like Magic into a freak show, an exercise in exploitation that is free of restraint. God forbid, perhaps even a movie that respects the intelligence of the audience. This is, after all, the story of a ventriloquist being controlled by his […]

Comes a Horseman (1978)
A good follow-up is hard to come by, and that’s what happened with Alan Pakula who followed his great 1976 Watergate thriller All the President’s Men, with a dour, unsatisfying and oddly-titled western drama Comes a Horseman that has all the pieces for a great movie, but none of the energy or investment that we […]

Halloween (1978)
I was about 9 years-old when I saw Halloween for the first time, and if it is true that the movies that you are exposed to as a child mean more to you later on, then this may have had the longest-lasting psychological impact on me. To this day, the mental image of Michael Myers […]

The Late Great Planet Earth (1978)
Well, that’s it!We’re doomed!Get yourself a shovel, son.It’s about to get deep! According to this movie, the Bible says that the human race is headed on a collision course of earthquakes, famine, disease, volcanic eruptions, holocausts, African Killer Bees, hellfire and brimstone, and it’s all coming soon – so brace yourself, buster. The clock is […]

Goin’ Coconuts (1978)
I had no idea until about three hours ago that Donny and Marie Osmond had a feature film. Having seen it, I can say that I probably could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. None-the-less my half-assed internet research tells me that this movie was made at the peak of their […]