Tag: nuclear war

Television Event (2020)

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Television Event (2020)

[This review is part of my ongoing coverage of the films screened at Birmingham Alabama’s 23rd Annual Sidewalk Film Festival] I have a persistent theory that every movie is a window onto the times in which it was made.  This is perhaps illustrated no better than with The Day After, a widely publicized scare drama […]

| August 28, 2021
The Day After (1983)

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The Day After (1983)

[This is a repost of a review of ‘The Day After’ that I did in 2013 on the film’s 30th anniversary, reposted here on the occasion of the new documentary ‘Television Event’] Perhaps the biggest takeaway from ABC’s multi-million-dollar armageddon scare-drama The Day After is to question its purpose.  What are we really seeing here and […]

| August 27, 2021